Monday, November 23, 2020

New Stuff, Contracts

 So, it's been 2020. I think that sums it up.

We've spent the last few months setting up our new house. The goats are about to give birth...again. Goat aprons as birth control are like condoms with teenagers. Honestly, now, why bother?

The labadoodle pup is potty trained and sleeping through the night (mostly). Our yellow landshark is chewing slightly less. Slightly. She makes up for it by shedding madly.

I canned lots of stuff from the garden, we're stocked on toilet paper and the Air BnB room is up and running.

Just as I was wrapping all this up, I was contacted by two different publishers, and my books will soon be featured on Webnovel and Goodnovel.

I've been updating my book covers and website, making my books available in print again. It's a beginning.