Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hi! Mostly I've been hanging out on Facebook. I've also redesigned my website There are some some interesting new details there.

Also, in case you missed the Facebook post:

Day 39, no sugar: Your nose won't run if you eat spicy food, unless there's congestion. Been eating spicy lunches, no sniffles (which I'd vaguely wondered about). After the durum wheat thing, my nose responded to spices by running. Fascinating indicator of nasal health.
Did I mention I used to take GABA ( has it) for the sads? Needed it daily or really noticed depression. Now, I'm cheerfully daily, haven't needed it in weeks. How's that for mind/body connection?
John's cat allergies are better. I can smell things much better, yet I'm less reactive to chemical fragrances. The smells from the deli and bakery in the grocery stores don't make me wheeze anymore.
It wasn't hard to give up sugar at all, with two exceptions: chocolate (because it's barely edible without sugar and I crave it) and coffee (also barely drinkable sans sugar, but now I'll need much less sugar to make it palatable). I've been drinking coffee in an espresso cup with coconut milk to train myself to expect less sweetness. It helps if you start with really good coffee beans.
Why bother? For one thing, it's loaded with antioxidants and beneficial nutrients. Talk about taking your bitters!
Things I've learned during the fast:
Einkorn, barley, rye and oats are fine. It's not the gluten, it's the modern wheat that's been crossbred. Organic kamut is not okay; too modern.
Pay your farmer or pay your doctor.
Honey and fruit are fine. Won't slow the detox one bit.
Combining a saddle stool with standing allows me to get things done as my tailbone heals (it's almost been a year!). Do not fall and bend your tailbone to a 45 degree angle.
But if you do...realize that it might be the Lord's redirection. I've realized during the fast that yes, I do want to move. I like my neighborhood and my house, but the houses being build around me are annoying and cut off the view. Finally, my husband will get his wish.
I have my eye on a property. I posted the pic on my fridge and have it open on my computer daily to motivate me to get up early and work my tail off.
I can work my tail off because of this no sugar fast. I have the energy now.
Last...I'm editing all my romance novels to have "sweet heat". In a world that's busy making everything hotter (and more obnoxious), I decided to step back.
I've always enjoyed going my own way.
Jer 29:11


  1. So cool! We went no sugar for our son 6 years ago, bets decision we ever made. Also, I love that you're editing your novels for sweet heat! Thanks much!

    1. Thanks! Crazy what sugar does without realizing it. Really opened my eyes.
